Saskatchewan Epidemiology Association

16th Annual Fall Symposium & Workshop

November 2nd and 3rd, 2016

Marquis Hall

University of Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, SK


“Epidemiology for understanding our changing world”


Our environments (global, local, social and physical) are ever-changing, prompting us to reflect on the way we practice epidemiology, the kinds of questions we ask, and the methods we use to answer them (Neil Pearce, Int J Epidemiol, 2010). New challenges will require new ways of thinking about problems, working together across disciplines, and innovative ways of applying health informatics. Join us for the 16th annual SEA Symposium in Saskatoon to delve into some of these questions and to learn from top experts in their fields! 

Conference Agenda

Speaker Bios

Keynote presentation November 2nd Morning

Dr. Janice Bailey

Professor, Centre de recherche en biologie de la reproduction, Laval University


Keynote presentation November 2nd Afternoon

Dr. Shamir Mukhi

Chief Engineer, Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence, Public Health Agency of Canada

 Workshop on November 3rd

Dr. Nathaniel Osgood

Professor, University of Saskatchewan


Student posters and oral presentations will also be a part of our day.

Registration Form


Inquiries can be sent to the Organizing Committee Chair, Dr. Brandy Winquist at